=1. DMS archive/A (FilePopUp help "Here you choise the name for the new DMS archive or select the DMS archive you whant to decrunch.")
To=2. DMS archive/A (FilePopUp help "Here you choise the name you wont DMS to repack the archive to.")
NoText=No adds print/S
From=Read archive from (Can cc "DF0:" "DF1:" "DF2:" "DF3:" "FF0:" "FF1:" "FF2:" "FF3:" "FF4:" "FF5:" "FF6:" "FF7:" "FF8:" "FF9:" " "Help "The drive where you want DMS to read the archive from.")
To=Write archive to (Can cc "DF0:" "DF1:" "DF2:" "DF3:" "FF0:" "FF1:" "FF2:" "FF3:" "FF4:" "FF5:" "FF6:" "FF7:" "FF8:" "FF9:" " " Help "The drive you wont DMS to decrunch the archive to.")
Low=Low track (Can cc "0" "10" "20" "30" "40" "50" "60" "70" Help "The track you want to start from [if start track is 0 you don't have to enter anything here!].")
High=High track (can cc "10" "20" "30" "40" "50" "60" "70" "79" Help "The track you want end with [if end track is 79 you don't have to enter anything here!].")